
How to Find Dog Urine using simple techniques

To say the last, a dog who pee in the house might be a challenge to handle. Finding where your dog has sprayed can be one of the toughest challenges. Sometimes it is not clear when you find a damp spot or detect a strong scent.

Finding all the urine spots to get them cleaned up and stop future accidents might be difficult, though, if your dog has urinated in several locations or managed to disguise their mistakes. These are some methods for spotting dog pee stains.

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Tips on how to find dog urine

Look for stains

Since dog pee leaves obvious marks behind, it is really easy to discover. Still, this has a good ability to discriminate between colors and detect minute changes in color tones. Dog urine normally creates brilliant yellow stains on light-colored surfaces; on dark-colored surfaces, it may leave horrible green stings behind. Since ammonium from your dog’s urine triggers the stain creation, areas where your dog has frequently urinated will show more noticeable stains.

Find with UV light

Finding dog urine in your home can be hard and frustrating experience. Anyway, with the help of Arkfeld pro UV light, you can easily locate and detect the source of the smell. UV light works by causing the phosphorus in dog urine to glow, making it visible to the bare eye. This process is effective and simple, and can be performed in just a few steps. First, turn off all the lights in the room. Then, turn on your UV light and wave it closely around the place where you notice the urine may be. If your dog has marked or peed on a particularly area, it will glow under the UV light. This technique is mainly helpful for detecting old or recent urine stains, and can help you identify the source of smell easily and quickly.

Use your nose to guide you.

Your sense of smell is among your best natural weapons for finding your pet secret pee sites. Even if you have a weak sense of smell, you should be able to at least determine which areas of your house have become victim to dog excrement. 

Walking from one room to another, gradually sniff the surroundings. Should a pet wish to pee, pay great attention to regions including furniture legs, around posts, along walks, and in corners. Keep in mind to check areas like closets and restrooms where a dog might hide for long unnoticed peeing. 

Give up depending on air fresheners.

Should your pet continue to leak urine into the house, you might have reverted to employing strong-scented air fresheners and cleaning sprays. Using these products presents a dilemma since they can be masking the stench of stains. Should you be masking the odor, the pet could keep peeing in your house without your wiser knowledge. Eliminating the extra smells from your house will help you to more accurately locate urine stains and clean them, thereby enabling you to improve the pleasant scent of a clean house free from the use of air fresheners.

Inspect sticky areas.

Although it’s quick, this is not the most ideal approach to check the dog pee marks. Given non-fabric gloves operate the best, it is highly advised you utilize gloves for this work. On hard surfaces—including flooring, furniture, and baseboards—pet pee occasionally leaves sticky stains. Should your dog keep petting in the same spot over and over, the stickiness will gradually build up and will be easy to find. Run your hand over the places you are suspicious of and check if you feel stickiness or a clear film.

Watch on your dog.

This is the most effective method for spotting dog poop; assuming you can be sly enough to hide from your pet that you are onto them. Consider following your dog to identify their preferred pee locations if you know that it often urinates in inappropriate locations at specific times of the day or displays particular behavior prior. Still, most dogs would not pet in the house right in front of you, thus you will have to be quite clever. Investing in a home camera that lets you monitor your dog all through the day is one simple way for this.

Turn on moisture probes.

Usually, moisture probes are made to track the moisture content of soil and related materials for plants. Still, you can use moisture probes to find out under the region how moist your carpet might be. By allowing you to match the moisture levels of various sections of your carpet to one another, moisture probes will enable you to find spots. Dog pee may still collect moisture from the environment even after it has dried, thereby maintaining the pee stain dampener than the surrounding region.

Review under the objects.

Look under if you think your pet has been peeing on a rug or piece of furniture. Pee stains will darkly mark objects, mostly on their underside. Once an object is raised, you might also smell strong ammonia under it. You can also raise your carpet and examine the bottom of the carpet and the pad of carpet if you have experience lifting carpet and know how to re-install it into area.

Finally words

The more successful you will be in appropriately removing your pet secret urine stains and preventing repeat mishaps the sooner you discover them. A veterinarian appointment is to ensure your dog is well and not suffering from a medical condition such as UTI or diabetes if it has started peeing in the house. Finding urine stains is quite easy with a UV lamp like to Arkfeld pro. 

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